For me it’s been communities like /r/buildapc, /r/buildapcforme, /r/buildapcsales, /r/gamedeals, and /r/consoledeals have been useful throughout the years.

    1211 months ago

    I am a Dark Souls addict and when I quit Reddit for good on July 1st, those are the subs I’ll really miss most. I’m also a history teacher and adjunct and really will suffer without /r/AskHistorians.

    • Pigeon
      1211 months ago

      Oh, r/askhistorians is precious.

      Maybe a History community on here would be nice, at least, until there are enough folks for more specific spots.

          311 months ago

          It sounds like a decent Lemmy community as a whole, allowing those professionals a lot of control over how questions work and such while still allowing pretty good visibility? I’m not totally familiar with how federating works yet so that might not work as wellw as I’m thinking.

              211 months ago

              Absolutely, I know that any time questions on my field of expertise has popped up on reddit I can be fairly hesitant to share just knowing the amount of effort it would take to answer in a way that feels appropriate combined with the fact that you’ll get contrarians popping out of every corner to claim their pop science interpretations are in-fact correct. I can’t imagine trying to do that when it comes to something like history, which I personally think is going to have a much higher minimum involvement in general due to the very political nature of much of it.