• admin
    181 year ago

    Nintendo being the best and worst company at the same time.

    • png
      151 year ago

      Remember that time they sent an elderly person to jail for several years and ruined them financially for the rest of their life, all because that person had been a glorified Facebook group admin for a cracking group?

      • Pigeon
        91 year ago

        And Nintendo pushed for, and somehow the judge explicitly agreed with this argument, an absurdly harsh sentence to “set an example”. Despite no evidence whatsoever that such “examples” even deter anybody - I suspect the effect is rather the opposite, if anything, especially in the long run.

        And so they stuck that guy with having 40% of his wages garnished for Nintendo for the rest of his life.

        How the fucking hell did anyone look at that sentence and decide it was morally acceptable or legal.

        I hope he’s able to find a great pro-bono lawyer and the gumption to appeal, but I haven’t gotten the impression so far that he will.

        • png
          71 year ago

          remember, kids - pirating Nintendo games and emulating them (you get better performance too :)) is the morally correct thing to do.

      • @Saauan@beehaw.org
        31 year ago

        Well, I believe it’s about the actual games they make. Many of the games they made (Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, etc.) are among the best games many people played.

      • magnetosphere
        31 year ago

        Quality control.

        Even if a particular game isn’t your cup of tea, you’ve gotta admit that it at least works as advertised. When was the last time Nintendo released something so buggy/incomplete that it was virtually unplayable?

        • @WhoRoger@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          To be fair, Nintendo releases games for a single console, and 1st party console games don’t tend to be too buggy. Switch is also two generations behind, so it’s more comparable to X360.

          In any case, “not releasing completely broken games” should be the standard, and it would be if only people stopped preordering and falling for hype.