Is this community for, retail, classic or HC/SoM? I guess it’s not big enough to have to define itself yet, but just curious.

  • gishOP
    1 year ago

    I am insanely jealous of you. Playing with people you know is just on a different level. My highschool friends showed up at my house with a Burning Crusade Disc they bought me, forced me to install and play with them, then I got hooked and they all quit :')

    Maybe one day the kiddo will play with me.

    • aRatherDapperFox
      1 year ago

      We’re all busy with our adult lives and hardly get the chance to play together anymore… Though every once in a while my sister and I’s schedule lines up, and we get to play for an hour or so. That makes the subscription worth it, IMO.

      I’m hoping one day my kiddo will show an interest, too. Looking forward to when she’s old enough for video games!