What browser extensions do you use that you’d recommend to others?

Do you contribute to any FOSS browser extension projects?

Are there any non-FOSS extensions that you wish had a sufficient FOSS alternative?

  • Chris Remington
    101 year ago

    uBlock Origin, Bypass Paywalls Clean, Bitwarden, and SponsorBlock for YouTube are my favorite ones.

    • @Iwamoto
      61 year ago

      Sponsorblock really helps me, since I watch a lot of YT and even though I have Premium, I’m otherwise still getting ads

    • @TheTrueLinuxDev@beehaw.org
      61 year ago

      People also need to remember to open up uBlock Origin settings page:

      1. Check on the “I am an advanced user.”
      2. Check all of the optional filter lists in Filter tab of uBlock Origin.
      3. Enjoy the internet without any ads at all. I never get ads on YouTube after this.
    • Joshua
      31 year ago

      I cannot stand SponsorBlock anymore. It’s been abused so much, that any time any video even slightly mentions a brand, sponsor or not, it skips it.

      I find that it breaks context in a lot of videos, and you end up missing important stuff. I especially find it to be true in LTT videos.

      For me, SponsorBlock is disabled until they fix the abuse. There’s a very clear difference between a SPONSOR and just mentioning an entity that exists on this planet.

      • Urnchos
        21 year ago

        I definitely agree with SponsorBlock there when it’s on its default settings, however I find that lots of those issues are solvable by utilizing it’s pretty decent customizability. Being able to identify channels which have manageable sponsor spots and excluding them can limit lots of those issues and fine-tune what types of things get skipped automatically or manually can make it a lot more manageable and only auto-skipping the most egregious things.

      • brie
        21 year ago

        Bad segments are definitely a problem. At least for the channels I watch, the sponsor segments tend to be well done, but for other categories there’s often weird segments. Manual skip is still quite useful though.

      • Kryostar
        111 months ago

        @JshKlsn @admin I agree with ya. Sometimes I actually wanna hear what product they are talking about but it’s incredibly hard.

        Channels like rctestflight frequently mention multiple products they use in their builds but people block that for some reason… like what’s the point of it?