I saw the recent API charge news with Reddit and saw that people were discussing alternatives to Reddit in the event we all have to abandon it.

Joined Lemmy here and noticed one of my favorite subreddits had no Lemmy equivalent — so I created it.

I have no desire to be a mod, so if anyone wants to take on that role just let me know.

I’m just hoping people do post here if they’re checking Lemmy out and seeing what’s available community-wise.

  • @zakiuem
    711 months ago

    Welcome! I hope more ex-redditors will join here. Lemmygrad is for mostly far-left.

    • Pigeon
      411 months ago

      Like, anarcho-socialist far left, or “making excuses for nominally ‘communist’ dictatorships” tankie far left?

      Regardless, beehaw seems cool so far also. I’m feeling hopeful overall!

      • @zakiuem
        311 months ago

        Marxist-Leninist mostly, that instance is designed for them.