• @Floey@lemm.ee
    58 months ago

    I dunno, the sway of Apple, MS, whoever else just doesn’t have the same weight as the CCP and Tencent.

    The fact that you name Apple and Microsoft makes me think there is a blind spot here. If you are taking about big tech with it’s tendrils in US policy I’d go for Google and Facebook. Big pharma and the military industrial complex are even bigger issues. These industries don’t just undermine the US but harm the global community as well. Then you have think tanks, often funded by capital, shaping narratives and foreign policy.

    • @averyminya@beehaw.org
      68 months ago

      I more just didn’t want to list more than 3 companies, hence “whoever else”. You’re right that Google and Facebook are closer to the tendrils of Tencent than MS or Apple, or well, Apple at least.