I take this to mean they increase drug quitting behavior

  • alyaza [they/she]M
    51 year ago

    looks like it, yes:

    Conclusions  The SIF’s opening was associated independently with a 30% increase in detoxification service use, and this behaviour was associated with increased rates of long-term addiction treatment initiation and reduced injecting at the SIF.

    i would imagine they also reduce overdoses substantially, which is usually considered the major benefit of safe-injection sites

    • @dax@beehaw.org
      41 year ago

      I would actually say this is even more grim; we’ve already seen an example of how the extremes of the republican party can shift the entire national discourse and legislation in the form of abortion bans regardless of the health of the mother, yet even 62% of Republicans support abortion in these cases, and 20% of them answer “it depends”. Yet even with only 16% of republicans agreeing it should be illegal, we still get laws like Idaho’s or Texas’s.

      So I would really, really underscore that this really is a grim tidbit.