Discussion questions:

What new books are you reading?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Question of the week:

Be honest: do you get your books from Amazon or directly from the publishers? If you do a bit of both, how often for each?


(I do this so people here can talk about things other than politics so enjoy yourselves.)

  • MellowGamer1309@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I finally finished reading the Song of Ice and Fire series recently. I read the first four books in high school and never finished A Dance of Dragons, so I read them again to catch up to the story before I read the last book. After that I read Fire & Blood, which is a history book about one of the families in the story. The main series was great, and Fire & Blood was pretty enjoyable too. So now I guess I’m waiting for Winds of Winter. 🙃

    As for what I’m reading now, I needed a change of pace after reading several thousand pages of fantasy over the last few months so I’m reading some sci-fi. I got Foundation, Neuromancer, and Starship Troopers the other day and I’m currently reading Starship Troopers. I’m only a few chapters in and it’s OK so far, but the military lingo makes it a bit hard to follow at times.

    I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any books other than textbooks for school from Amazon. I get most of my books from book stores. I also pirate a lot of ebooks, but never read them.