“average top CEO compensation was $15.6 million in 2021, up 9.8% since 2020. In 2021, the ratio of CEO-to-typical-worker compensation was 399-to-1 under the realized measure of CEO pay; that is up from 366-to-1 in 2020 and a big increase from 20-to-1 in 1965 and 59-to-1 in 1989”

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    548 months ago

    He laughted said that hamburgers would cost $20.

    They always say this, but when you mention the Nordic countries where wages are at least twice ours and fast food is pretty much the same cost, they start ranting about how any country that properly uses socialism doesn’t count.

    And they almost always end up saying something racist

    • @SCB@lemmy.world
      -48 months ago

      properly uses socialism

      You’re describing privately-held companies paying their employees well, not socialism.