Pretty much the title of the post. I started watching porn at a very young age (12 I think) and stuck with it for 13 years. Without retelling my entire life story, porn is the only sexual outlet I have.

I wanted to quit for a while now due to ethical (I don’t think I have to elaborate how fucked up the porn industry is to anyone here) and psychological reasons but so far it always ends in me quitting for a few days and then returning.

I want to stop, I can’t call myself a communist while engaging with something that is so vile and opposed to communist principles but I don’t know how to change my habits in a way that allows me to permanently quit and satisfy my urges in a different way.

    1 year ago

    Since the objective is clear (stop watching porno) what do you see as stopping yourself from completing your goal? What brings you back to watching it?

    • RedCat@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      What brings you back to watching it?


      To quote myself:

      I had a very traumatic time during high school and while most boys my age had their first experiences with girls I didn’t. I was relentlessly bullied by the girls in my class and it took me years after I left this school to realise how much they fucked me up. I am 25 by now and it is still very hard for me to reach out to people that are not in my circle of friends. I struggle with stuff like going to parties and usually suffer panic attacks when I try to. I am slowly getting better but so far I never had a gf or any sexual experiences. Porn is the only way for me to even remotely grasp what sex could be like.

      1 year ago

      For me it’s stress and boredom. I know how to solve the boredom part, but due to being in a strict, controlling household, it’s quite hard as a seventeen year old. The stress part? Well, I just need to learn how to manage that better rather than looking to harmful temporary releases.