Hmm? 🤔

        • loathesome dongeaterOP
          31 year ago

          I am fine with barbell. The only thing I am specific about right now is doing lower intensity higher volume stuff because I am recovering from an injury. So trying new stuff around that.

            41 year ago

            One thing that I’ve tried and enjoyed while recovering from an injury is going very slowly. It depends on the injury, of course, but going for volume made mine worse.

            So if I could bench a 20kg bar for 5x20, I would instead dramatically slow down each rep so that I can only get 5x8–12 with the same weight.

            One of the biggest lifters I know trains like this all the time. It may be harder to get injured in the first place, training like this, although I’m unsure if that is always true.

            Personally, I would avoid going to failure / AMRAP while injured. Again, it may depend on the injury. And I would not usually go to failure on compound lifts, so I would be especially reluctant if injured.