As mentioned in the previous post, Make Something month is going to be a little event where you can participate by making something! If you would like to participate, then feel free to post in this thread what you hope to accomplish this month. Also, if you have any questions, comments, or ideas for the event, feel free to post those too!

There will be posts like this every Saturday throughout October for people to give updates on how their project are going. Then, to give people time to be able to figure out how to display their projects and add finishing touches, there will be a showcase thread on November 5th.

  • vxnxnt
    42 years ago

    Although not much, I’m planning on upgrading the SD-Card for my RPI and installing Alpine Linux. I’ll reinstall Pi-hole and Unbound and maybe even setup a local print server. I’m also trying to think of other ways on how to use the Pi, so any suggestions would be appreciated!

    • @gyrfalcon@beehaw.orgOP
      32 years ago

      I’m not sure if the Pi would have enough power for this, but I have an old laptop dedicated to running Jellyfin and TVheadend, which lets me stream media and TV throughout the house. If you have media in a format that you know won’t need to be transcoded, could be something the Pi can handle.