• attckdog
    1 year ago

    I worked in Customer Support as one of the most senior people in the department. I wanted to be a programmer for the same company. They had many openings. They passed me up countless times saying you’re for sure going to get it next time. Finally a supervisor was honest with me. They never intended to let me leave support as they knew it’d be a major loss for the Support Department if I left.

    Naturally that killed my motivation and so I started not caring about the work and turned down my energy and output. Started telling the mgmt no I wont work on Support tools code anymore. I made a bunch of tools used by the support team, Dashboards, zendesk apps, lots of browser scripts to fix common problems instantly. I just would reply It’s not in my job Description. Make a role for me in Support or give me one of the many programming jobs and I’ll do it.

    So they started writing me up for insubordination.

    After the second write up I told them they were only guaranteeing that I would leave the company. I wouldn’t wait for the 3rd strike and I’m out. I told them they have turned support into a Dead Sea. They would make it impossible for their best employees to stay and they would all leave, Like the water in the dead Sea, leaving only the salt, the people who don’t perform / care.

    Took me all of 30 days to find a programmer gig with twice the pay. I should have left them years ago. Moral of the story is this, The business doesn’t give a shit about you, Don’t misplace your loyalty. There is no honor in staying at workplace that doesn’t work with you.

    And my prediction of the Dead Sea effect taking hold after I left has shone to be quite true. When I was there, they would end the week every week with an empty bucket. Avg ticket closes per rep were 100+ (fantastic for us). After I left they haven’t seen the bottom of the bucket once. It’s thousands deep and avg rep is closing only half what they used to. The friends I have still there (not in support but can see tickets) say that everyone left is clueless. [