Best driver for each blade/weapon at endgame is an easy question to find answers for.

My question is, how should I be spending core crystals throughout the game? I know that at endgame Rex can bond all blades, but I would wager that using no crystals on him for a massive portion of the playthrough is likely not a viable option for a novice.

Should I just feed each driver equally? Is there something I should fish for, and then back off the bonding once I have it? What do I need to have a serviceable team in the early-to-mid game? What mistakes should I try to avoid in regards to giving crystals to drivers?

I’m not asking for a ‘good build’. I’m asking for ‘a methodology for developing a good build as I progress through the game’.

An adjacent question is what to do with Tora/Poppy? I’m personally not a fan of Tiger-Tiger and would rather not interact much with it, but the DLC pack gave me a bunch of ether. I suspect I can’t use that ether to completely make her an endgame fighter (and I wouldn’t want to do that even if I could), but I figure I might be able to buy upgrades for Poppy to make her a serviceable crutch until I can replace them with a standard driver. Any suggestions on how viable this method would be, or how to go about doing it?

  • Dudewitbow
    1 year ago

    Albeit older post, how i see rex is that the blade I personally believe is ideal to get on him is an axe blade, particularly Zenobia, as she has bonuses against hard encounters and bosses. The reason why its ideal for rex to have an axe option early on is because thats what gives rex launch. It doesnt HAVE to be Zenobia, Dagas is good, but end game wise, Zeke is better with axes.

    Because Pyra/Mythta have topple, and Rex mandatory gets a certain blade later that gives him access to Smash, goving him launch allows him to complete most of the break > topple > launch > smash combo by himself. You basically want any of the two existing teamates to inflict break and Rex can handle the rest himself. With that, it will eventually carry you to the point where rex can use whatever.

    As for poppy, yeah annoying to build if you dont have effort to max her (as shes completely busted if you do). Poppy is always flexible, and through the base game, i think the safest way to use her is to generally make her an element that either completes an elemental burst that is good (each ones have different effects) or unique element that doesnt overlap with what youre currently using.