looks like rendering adblockers extensions obsolete with manifest-v3 was not enough so now they try to implement DRM into the browser giving the ability to any website to refuse traffic to you if you don’t run a complaint browser ( cough…firefox )

here is an article in hacker news since i’m sure they can explain this to you better than i.

and also some github docs

  • GnuLinuxDude
    1 year ago

    I have long felt that the computer industry course-corrected with mobile phones. They made a mistake in the early years of computers by letting users do things like install software from unauthorized sources, modify software to run to their liking, or even strip out the operating system and replace it with an alternative. Now we get things like TPM, Pluton, chains of trust, and DRM. 2% (rounding up) to protect users from malicious software tampering, 99% (rounding down) to extract rents from users and to track them for advertising or other purposes.