It doesn’t quite capture the cruelty or severity of the situation.
Imagine if in the Holocaust instead of using gas chambers to just kill off everyone, instead they bred them and then bred their kids and shoved their kids into gas chambers and then ate them and then shoved their kids into gas chambers and then ate them continually for hundreds of years.
There are no words that accurately apply to other animals and describe the severity of the situation. And it’s like that on purpose.
If I would have said murder, you’d say murder doesn’t apply to non-human animals. It’s only when a human kills another human.
I chose those words because there are none to describe the horrors that are happening.
Why doesn’t murder work?
It doesn’t quite capture the cruelty or severity of the situation.
Imagine if in the Holocaust instead of using gas chambers to just kill off everyone, instead they bred them and then bred their kids and shoved their kids into gas chambers and then ate them and then shoved their kids into gas chambers and then ate them continually for hundreds of years.
It truly is the worst crime to ever be committed.