Fantasy is a genre, that dates back to classical mythology. The idea of someone, of any country, gate keeping fantasy under the idea of cultural appropriation is absurd. “Culturally competent” what does that even mean? You can’t write a book without a history degree in Welsh culture? Foh
We’ve passed down our stories carefully for centuries.
We are just asking the Anglos to try and understand the mythos we’ve cherished and loved and curated as a nation for so long. Or, if you don’t understand it, leave it be.
The fact that they get up-in-arms about the thought that some culture exsts that they’re not automatically entitled to use for the commodified entertainment industry… that is honestly typical of the Anglo inability to respect anyone else.
I reject the claim that Anglos have limitless entitlement to any material they find.
Fantasy is at least a part of traditional Welsh culture.
Overall I mostly agree with the article. It has to be made by culturally competent people.
Someone posted this recently - - and the butchering of Celtic myth and names is ridiculous.
Fantasy is a genre, that dates back to classical mythology. The idea of someone, of any country, gate keeping fantasy under the idea of cultural appropriation is absurd. “Culturally competent” what does that even mean? You can’t write a book without a history degree in Welsh culture? Foh
If you have to ask…
We’ve passed down our stories carefully for centuries.
We are just asking the Anglos to try and understand the mythos we’ve cherished and loved and curated as a nation for so long. Or, if you don’t understand it, leave it be.
The fact that they get up-in-arms about the thought that some culture exsts that they’re not automatically entitled to use for the commodified entertainment industry… that is honestly typical of the Anglo inability to respect anyone else.
I reject the claim that Anglos have limitless entitlement to any material they find.
The treats must flow