I’ve been trying it out recently to some degree of success, finding the right intervals was the hard part, 25-5 feels like absolute torture to me.
Is anyone else giving it ago?
I’ve been trying it out recently to some degree of success, finding the right intervals was the hard part, 25-5 feels like absolute torture to me.
Is anyone else giving it ago?
Love it, nothing would get done without it. A few tricks and changes I applied over the decades:
One of the things I love about it is that it gives a unit of measure. It’s no longer like: I want to be a programmer, so I have to do this for a couple of years with no clear end. It’s a unit of progress that can go on a todo-list and be checked off.
So yes, for learning new things, it’s still my way to go. Usually with 1 unit per day only, 45 minutes, sometimes 25. Most other tasks offer a different breakdown. E. g. cleaning up - can’t just do it. But it is less threatening with checkable tasks like: 1. put all garbage in a bag. 2. put all non-foods in box 1. 3. …