Having your entire extended family disappeared over a period of a month is not significantly better than having them disappeared over a course of a day.
That isn’t hyperbole.
I personally know 2 people that that happened too.
Expecting people to vote for the people that did that to them, and then getting mad at them when they don’t vote is some of the stupidest “I don’t have empathy and don’t even want to try imagining myself in their position, even though I’m going to say I did.” bullshit ever.
Having your entire extended family disappeared over a period of a month is not significantly better than having them disappeared over a course of a day.
That isn’t hyperbole.
I personally know 2 people that that happened too.
Expecting people to vote for the people that did that to them, and then getting mad at them when they don’t vote is some of the stupidest “I don’t have empathy and don’t even want to try imagining myself in their position, even though I’m going to say I did.” bullshit ever.