Little Billy comes home from school one day and asks his dad for help with his homework.

“Dad, what’s the difference between potentially and actually?”

The dad thinks for a moment and says “Billy, go ask your mother if she’d suck the neighbor’s dick if he offered her a million dollars.”

Little Billy scampers off and comes back a couple minutes later, “well I asked her and she said ‘Hellll Yeah!’”

“OK Billy, now go ask your sister the same question.”

Little Billy scampers off again and comes back a couple minutes later, “well I asked her and she said ‘Hellll Yeah!’”

“There you go Billy,” says the dad. “Now we have the difference between potentially and actually.”

Little Billy is confused and asks his dad to explain.

The dad says, “Billy, potentially we have two millionaires in the house, but actually we just have to removed.”