The difference between a helpmeet and a parasite is power. If we want to enjoy the benefits of intermediaries without the risks, we need policies that keep middlemen weak. That’s the opposite of the system we have now.

Take interoperability and IP law. Interoperability (basically, plugging new things into existing things) is a really powerful check against powerful middlemen. If you rely on an ad-exchange to fund your newsgathering and they start ripping you off, then an interoperable system that lets you use a different exchange will not only end the rip off – it’ll make it less likely to happen in the first place because the ad-tech platform will be afraid of losing your business

  • drspod
    3 months ago

    You don’t even have to do anything and there are thousands of people out there trying to protect you from getting more fucked[…]

    Don’t go around telling them they don’t have to “do anything” plz 😅

    You removed the emphasis on “You” from my quote which changes the meaning. I specifically meant that you, the person that I am replying to, don’t need to do anything, and there are people who will do something on your behalf.

    Nothing that you’ve said changes my critique of your critique btw. You said:

    he lives in absolute La La land

    No, actually he presented a well thought out analysis of the way that the relationship between business and customer/user in our current system, along with the relationship between business and legislator, both entrenches monopolies and causes a pathological dependency whereby customers cannot exercise their right to freely choose with whom they do business, and so their rights are severely diminished.

    the idea that these webs of laws or these models of “how things should work” mean anything tho the people with power are complete nonsense.

    The main point of my reply was that you are arguing against a straw-man here since the intended audience of the article is not “the people with power.”

    like, buddy, your country just went full Nazi. You’ve been living in a total fantasy. You’re not going to rethink the concept of fixers, get a grip.

    A non-sequitur and then a baseless dismissal of the argument that suggests that you either didn’t read it, or didn’t understand it.