• bloodfart
    5 hours ago

    Eh, reading about ranked choice from people living in places that have it makes me think it would change the dynamics of our system but not “fix” it.

    I’m not against it and I think it would be better than what we have now, but I’m not going to prioritize it over supporting my party of choice especially in the face of genocide.

    I think you’d be right about my support for psl if winning was the only thing that mattered. Losing parties still get funding, ballot access, event presence, media coverage and of course public awareness from their ballot turnout though, so there’s good reason to vote for em even without ranked choice.

    To your comment about smugly doing nothing: I’m active politically locally to the degree that I genuinely worry about doxing myself here and will probably fuck off in a year or so. It’s really easy to get involved in local politics if you have the time to go to a meeting once or twice a month. Can’t recommend highly enough the process of attending those meetings and having the burrs rounded off your political self in the tumbler of local activity.