• That_Devil_Girl
    2 hours ago

    Hold onto your butt’s for these. I have two that were equally awful.

    I had a date with a guy I met on a dating site. His profile picture was of him standing way back in the background, so I couldn’t see what he looks like. But what the hell, he asked and I said yes.

    He asked me out to IHOP at 9pm which is an unusual choice, but sure ok. I showed up a little early and sat at one of the booths. This guy walks in looking absolutely absurd. He’s wearing a fedora, a tacky animal print tshirt that’s way too large, tons of jewelry on his wrists/neck/fingers, cargo shorts, an attempt at a beard, and sandals with socks.

    Not going great, but maybe he’s a nice guy with no sense for fashion. I’ll give him a shot.

    We greet, he sits down, and with a raspy smoker voice, he begins to explain each and every piece of jewelry and what magical properties they bestow upon him. This one wards off evil spirits, this one wards off wraiths and phantoms, this one gives me the power to read emotions, this one allows me to talk to god, and on and on.

    Clearly they weren’t working as I was very uncomfortable at this point. A man of his age dressing like that, being superstitious, and believing in magic? So very many red flags. I decided I never want to meet him again, but I was determined to finish the date on a positive note.

    But then his ex-friends came into the IHOP, and shit went south quickly. They began to argue and shout at each another. Apparently my date was kicked out of their Pagan religion group… thing? My date was really bitter about it and decided to bring a date to this specific IHOP at this specific location and time because he knew his ex Pagan group regularly meets there. I think he was trying to prove something by having me there, but I don’t know what.

    I paid for my half of the meal and slipped away. My date never noticed that I left. If his ex-Pagan group noticed, they didn’t say anything.

    My second equally bad date was meeting another guy on the same dating site. He was an ok looking guy, 5 out of 10. But then again, I’m no beauty queen either so ehh, why not.

    We were going to the movies for our first date, but we arrived suspiciously too early. He said he got the movie time mixed up, but we can pass the time walking around in the Petsmart store nearby. You clever clever man, that’s exactly how to melt my heart. Kudos to his plan.

    We walked around the pet store, looking at all the cute animals, then we went to go see the movie. I don’t know why, but he refused to sit next to me. He insisted on keeping an empty seat between us. We ended the night and went our separate ways.

    He called me again, inviting me to his Dungeons & Drafons game, which of course I said yes. Hell yes! But as it turns out, he had absolutely no interest in dating me. All he wanted was a female to join his game and play certain NPC roles in his campaign.

    I’m ashamed to say I did the voice acting for his NPCs. After that, I never heard from the guy again.