
Who could have guess, ben treatler sides with apartheid musk

  • Monstera
    16 days ago

    What a fucking idiot, this ain’t a freeze peach thing!

    twitter refused to block certain accounts, iirc from right wing politicians that were breaking electoral law. Brazil, unlike the usa, is a serious country with lots of rules ang regulations abt election campains, when they can start and what can be said

    Musk threw a fit cause he’s a little weirdo crybaby that wants to lead the world fascist movement. He didn’t comply with the orders, and when fines were levied he decided to close twitter’s offices in brazil to get around the law. but corps must have a legal representative in Brazil to operate in Brazil. So Xandão (big xande, the supreme court justice) issued a new order: comply with the law and appoint a representative, otherwise we’re taking twitter offline. And here we are, this mf and other like him are a useful pawn for us imperialism