Title says it all, i want to lose weight and also build some muscle, ive have been hitting the gym and cutting my calories by 500-900cal for the past two months, while i am seeing some muscle growth, its not very substantial or something people around me will notice, ive also lost about 2kgs which is not much so i am thinking of doing a 200cal surplus for a month to see how it goes I wanted to get some advice as well as read other people’s experiences

  • qprimed
    1 year ago

    hinder? yes-ish. prevent? no. high protein (~110g a day). modest daily calorie deficit (~about 3400 cals in a pound of bodyfat - spread that over a week or so). do body builder style lifting (~12 reps at good weight with progressive overload). works legs, traps and abs hard (heavy-ish weight, lots of reps/sets). moderate full body cardio (boxing, muay thai keeps it interesting)

    I managed to drop over 110 pounds over 1 year while building real, dense, visible muscle and have kept the fat off for 11 years and counting.

    as others have said before, muscle is metabolically expensive. the more you have, while protecting it from loss, the easier it is to burn fat. good luck, my friend and just keep at it.