I went to my GP last week and she prescribed me a testosterone cream that has only been available here in Australia for a few months (according to her). I had a blood test and it showed that my levels were very low.

I haven’t been to pick it up yet, but I’m looking forward to seeing what it can do for me. I have had zero libido for a long time now, but that’s not what I got it for BUT it is one of the main reasons they prescribe it. I wanted to see if it helped my muscle weakness and overall mehness. I have CFS/ME and hormones play a huge role in how well I feel.

Has anyone else used testosterone and how did you find it?

PS - HRT is so freaking expensive, it makes me really angry that our pharmaceutical benefits scheme doesn’t cover it and I am out of pocket hundreds of dollars a month.

  • catterbrained
    2 years ago

    Really curious to hear of your experience also. I’m now seeing a menopause specialist and it’s on the agenda along with switching from oral estrogen to topical. Just getting some blood work done to see where everything is at. I’m curious to see the results since my last blood work was a year ago, so will have something to compare to since becoming post-menopausal.