I already own the original, but back when I got it I was unable to play due to the poor control schemes since I am disabled. Now I own an Xbox Adaptive Controller that I used to play through Elden Ring pretty well. I’d love to go back and play some of the earlier games.

I already own the original. Is it in any better state to play? I remember needing to add a fan patch to fix a lot of the issues. Or should I just get the Remaster and call it a day? Is there a recommended play order? I do see people recommending 3 over the first two if you’re coming off Elden Ring.

Appreciate your opinions.

  • BeardedHusband
    1 year ago

    Def get the remaster. There’s no need to go through the extra clunky mess of the original if you don’t need to. You won’t miss anything. I would try and see if you enjoy the 1st one for a bit, if you find yourself not liking it very much then play 3. 3 is more friendly for new players. Smoother to play and all that. Then go play 1 if you enjoyed 3. And if you’re in for a wild frustrating ride, play 2. I actually quite enjoy 2. But it should be your last game lol.