(Reproducing this from Fission Talk)

Below I will add in my condensed chapter notes. Each chapter is available as its own paper on the book website 1 if you want to just pick and choose. Many of these chapters were presented as papers at the Internet Governance Forum in 2022.

Here is the TOC for your reference:

  • Chad KohalykOPM
    8 个月前

    Ch 2: Nudging the Ostroms’ Vision of the Commons on Polycentric Governance into the Digital Environment

    • asking: when can we use the property regime as a major attribute, and when is something different necessary?
    • polycentric (multi-centered) governance a multi-level, multi-purpose, multi-functional, and multi-sectoral model
    • What is it that makes polycentric systems so special?
      • spontaneous self-correction
      • self-organization
      • interaction among diverse stakeholders
    • the degree of polycentricity of governmental arrangements is impacted by the polycentricity of political processes and judicial affairs, and vice versa
    • the right kinds of overlappability
      • ==Note: What are we missing in in internet gov?==
    • more than eighty-five percent of U.S. critical infrastructure providers are private firms
    • gives some examples of polycentric and multistakeholder initiatives
    • uses “Actions Arenas” from IAD (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_analysis_and_development_framework)
    • Hess and Ostrom viewed information as a common pool resource… although departure from the Ostrom model may be necessary.
    • apply lessons from polycentricity to empower diverse multi-stakeholder communities.