Surface of Venus taken by Venera 14. This picture is the combinaison of red, green and blue images, the whole is then combined with a grayscale image to get a « high» resolution image.

  • CrabAndBroom
    1 year ago

    It still blows my mind that humanity was able to land a probe with a working camera on Venus and transmit photos back in 1975.

    Also the conditions under which the first images of Venus were taken (from WIkipedia):

    Venera 9 measured clouds that were 30–40 km (19–25 mi) thick with bases at 30–35 km (19–22 mi) altitude. It also measured atmospheric chemicals including hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, bromine and iodine. Other measurements included surface pressure of about 9,100 kilopascals (90 atm), temperature of 485 °C (905 °F), and surface light levels comparable to those at Earth mid-latitudes on a cloudy summer day.