Ready to give back to the community now :)
if anybody still has one please PM me, i am not fast enough for this game.
Edit: done
AliExpress hat eine legendäre Autoübersetzung. Schimmelkönig. Allein deswegen bestell ich das.
Aaalter das Schaltert mich so hart.
Seonding the security point. It’s probably riskier to use bleeding edge distros because the “old” Debian packages are well cured and don’t have a lot of new issues. And as you said also old packages get security updates. Even in debian.
Been running Debian on my server for 10+ years.
Thanks for the reply! Yes sure and I did that but was a bit irked that the link you posted as a source for information regarding the supercomputing was (sorry) useless.
Anyways thanks for caring :)
That article is useless. Any other reference?
Vanilla OS seems promising. Just released a new version too.
Aren’t the just rebranding some generic ones that they vetted for compatibility? I heard that somewhere, so take it with a grain of salt.
That guy has the creepiest look. Are we sure this is a date? Or maybe a kidnapping maybe… she doesn’t know yet.
In meinem Fall in Teilen leider wahrscheinlich wahr.
Aber Kompromiss zwischen Anspruch und Lebensrealität.
Aber zum Glück nur lokal alles.
Wait, how do you make the laser pointer travel at the speed of light? I assume it has some mass.
Ich wollte eigentlich nur ein maimai fallen lassen, aber Respekt für den Text. Ich hatte FreeBSD lange als Server aber bin faul und jetzt bei Linux und docker.
Are you OK Donnie?
Und das Geräusch zu diesem Bild ist “Örks”.
i just realized for free accounts there are no invites to give out. ill test the workflow these next few days and if it all fits for me ill get an upgrade an invite you ASAP.