I have always envisioned this as the cat being jotun sized and Thor was lifting as a human sized Thor and he merely was not tall enough to get the cat off the ground.
I have always envisioned this as the cat being jotun sized and Thor was lifting as a human sized Thor and he merely was not tall enough to get the cat off the ground.
Did something change with the Air? I had a 2018 model I think and used two monitors without display link.
He looks like a real life Tackleberry.
Dick move.
I worked at Arby’s in the 90s, we did not have to fake the meat back then.
I got a large fry from BK a couple weeks ago and it had less fries than my wife’s medium. BK’s response was that mine probably settled more than hers.
As a recent converter to iOS I agree. Don’t.
Look I said your words, alright?!
I did not get the TestFlight email yet.
I picked up Monster Hunter World after seeing a bunch of cooking memes from it on Imgur. I liked the game okay, but I am much more into a game that I target a mob and attack it. It used a play style I was not used to. It took a lot of time to really get into it. A couple friends of mine play it some too and I always enjoy playing games with friends.
I doubt I will get another version of the game. But those friends are talking about buying it for me so I will play with them.
Eiffel Tower or Devil’s?
So you are just yelling fuck you in your living room and getting banned?
You are exactly the kind of person that causes me to avoid games I may play with randos, and keep all of my channels on a game muted.
Thankfully so.
If you show up you’re getting candy.
My town does this at the city square. It started with all of the businesses around the square getting together to give out candy. Then the next year more people showed up for it. Then last year the city took over, did no advertising and almost no one showed up for it. Heck we went to another area to give out candy because we did not know. This year the city did it again, with zero advertising. There was a decent turn out for kids, but very few people giving out candy.
Our town is small and old, there are huge gaps between houses, much more so than when we lived in the city.
No Man’s Sky has their Cursed Expedition happening now.
Pokemon S/V has a ghost type outbreak, along with Gengar raids.
I think Diablo IV is doing something too, but I have been playing NMS, Pokemon, and planning for IRL Halloween.
I clone my non-expedition ship at the anomaly first chance. I think it was 2200 nanites, which you can get about that from id’ing all the animals on the second planet in the first system.
Glad i am not the only one who saw it this way.