Hide yo dogs hide yo cats
Hide yo dogs hide yo cats
Had he pulled down his pants, shat on the rug, and threw it at the moderators, republicans would think he won.
Farkakte Wednesday on deck.
Of course we do. And a good deal of them are probably useful idiots.
“Black people are violent and have no place in White Christian America. Ladies, get back to the kitchen.”
Please bro, bring some friends along. Polls showing Harris closing on the traitor in FL.
Most likely putin bankrolling these groups.
Fuck that. Crush their leaders. One nation, indivisible.
Not really. Do you not see the war Russia is waging against the West? Would you call it overt, or covert?
Perhaps “fucking” means different things to the two of us. I want to see a total covert war against the blyats. Disruption of all industries and all sectors of society. Propagation of drugs, crime, and violence throughout their society. Infliction of every misery on the russian people, short of a kinetic war. Ultimately, I want to see destruction of the russian state, be that by revolution, dissolution, popular forces bringing about political upheaval, etc. Only after putin is dead should this sort of warfare stop.
Pretty much 100%, since i block all calls from unknown numbers.
It is high time the West start fucking with Russia’s critical infrastructure.
“Money is expensive” = interest rates are high.
Guys. Maybe Peter North is jesus?
That i succeeded, in spite of my self.
^ check this guy’s history and decide whether he’s got an axe to grind, and maybe a Lada to earn.
She ended up in the pot, like the other two… her flesh was fat and white, when it had melted I added a bottle of cologne, and after a long time on the boil I was able to make some most acceptable creamy soap. I gave bars to neighbours and acquaintances. The cakes, too, were better: that woman was really sweet.
Bruh wtf
That conclusion is exceedingly obvious to anyone with a functional mind.