True, there’s a good chance people will treat it as such anyway.
True, there’s a good chance people will treat it as such anyway.
I have never used TikTok, so maybe they’re right about this, but there’s a good chance that selective memory bias is at play here, which is when you only focus on the examples that prove your preexisting beliefs and forget about all the examples that didn’t.
Oh, right. Forgot about those.
What’s the orca a reference to?
When did /s change from sarcasm to serious, or is your post a joke itself?
What is the meaning of this?
Pretty sure they did that intentionally, showing us how they were about to spell it.
Definitely looks suspiciously similar, but is there any other evidence that it’s actually him?
I clearly put way more work into this than I should have but it was fun.
I can’t tell if they’re happy or surprised in the last panel
This whole channel is great for this kind of stuff
Pinus Radiata on Wikipedia
This is the best take I’ve seen on this subject by far.
What makes high-end philanthropy different from low-end philanthropy? Don’t they both get the same tax cuts?
You probably shouldn’t be. It’s a very socially isolated one.
Even as a native speaker this one took me a while because I don’t ever take taxis/ride shares and don’t watch movies/shows.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an AI or other automated system blocking it, because an outright block instead of a shadow ban seems unlikely to have been done by human hands. But that just indicates that there are systemic issues or biases that clearly favor one party over the other, and that’s not much better.