Surely if you’re homeless and buying a laptop, then you’re DESPERATE for a laptop. Jerks can use that against you.
Surely if you’re homeless and buying a laptop, then you’re DESPERATE for a laptop. Jerks can use that against you.
Waah waah not killing people is slow and boring waaaaah.
<shrug> like: wtf is going on? These fucking idiots.
Rule #1: The Doctor Lies.
But that business with the Doctor being half human needs a bit more explanation than what you have: there are several instances of Paul McGann’s Doctor using the fact that he’s half human as a plot device. You’ll need to make your peace with that in a more creative way.
No, the taxpayers take on the risk because the landlord uses an LLC.
The cat jokes call out the bullshit. Calling out the bullshit is good. Fuck it: here’s Alf again.
Scott Adams’s thing used to be that he had a good bullshit detector. Now he doesn’t have that thing.
I think the trade is, you buy the landlord a house, the landlord gets a house, and the landlord gets the capital gain on the house.
I am curious about the layout. Why is it like this?
Easy for you to say. I am not that.
Thank you! It seems unfair that only Americans get to vote on whether or not the climate gets destroyed.
Not that Harris has ever presented a particularly strong position on climate change.
Would that I could.
Most of us don’t get to vote.
Is it set on the Bionis?
Those are delightfully mean drawings of Trump.
Always with the projection.
I didn’t mean to type those six words. I meant cat.
How did OP get the ice cream from the tub to the bowl?