• 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • Yeah man, you all were completely enlightened at 24. No shit views in any aspect whatsoever. Born well-read, class-aware and a radical leftist at 23 coming from a rich family. Come on.

    In fact, none of your worldviews have changed since you were 24 and you did not grow as a person since then. Because you of course did not need to learn and grow, you reached peak leftist enlightment at 23 and then never changed a bit.

  • Nothing major. In my country when people are fired they are entitled to recieve some money based on how long they’ve been an employee. One time I overpaid a dude who was fired by some 5k USD or so (converting from my local currency) which is nothing major but my boss was pissed. Luckly I just called him and asked him nicely to return the extra money and he did without being rude or anything.

    Edit: just as a comparison at the same company once one of our (corporate) clients sent us the payment for a service twice by mistake, some ~200k USD that they had to pay 1x we ended up recieving twice. By comparison 5k is nothing.

  • No you don’t need the terminal in most distros meant for desktop use to install software. Your distro will have a GUI app store, then flatpak and snap which are the most common software repositories after your distro’s default also have GUI. You can use the terminal because it is literally faster, you don’t have to if you lack cognitive ability to write apt install gimp or some shit.