Isn’t Vance’s partner of South Asian heritage?
Isn’t Vance’s partner of South Asian heritage?
Not necessarily.
Unlikely, it would be a factory-level thing I imagine, trying to make explosions that big from just hacking hardware (specifically small pagers) would be nigh-on impossible (if not impossible).
while another is still able to perceive certain frequencies, and yet another just needs it to be really fucking loud but if it is they hear just fine.
They would be hard of hearing rather than deaf.
How are the blinds random? They scale. Every game is “random” if you want to boil it down.
but there is something to be said when EVERYONE owns a ten dollar gam
Because it’s the game of the year.
Pretty even thus far.
Emulate, I guess. I can play Mario Bros and Sonic no worries on my PC and Switch.
Right, and that’s not going to change unless it some anthology pack, but many are being sold digitally.
The aftermath of someone being decimated by a truck. That sight belonged in an abbatoir, not on the road.
I never see any because I didn’t join them.
Just don’t join them?
Which games aren’t they selling?
Who was attacking who when two kids were sitting in their car?
No answer required, FYI.
That’s a you problem.
Is it not legal to be on someone’s property, you know, like a postman or… If you want to ask someone a question?
What did Jill Stein ever do?