
Long time no #Meme. And this time it’s not even an old and stale one, but a fairly new one: Adidas Sports Bra Medium Support. When I came cross it a few hours ago, it kind of reminded me what shapes of female mesh bodies are considered “normal” in #OpenSimulator and #SecondLife. So I couldn’t help but adapt it.

![Exploitable meme based on a photograph showing two light grey upper body mannequins on a store shelf. The one to the right is rather voluptuous, the one to the left much less so. Both are wearing black Adidas Medium Support sports bras in their respective sizes. Above the photograph, there is a stripe of white background on which is written, “Mesh bodies be like”. The mannequin to the left is labelled, “Petite”. The much more voluptuous mannequin to the right is labelled, “Regular”.](https://hub.netzgemeinde.eu/photo/8e597a53-2f71-455f-945b-524a6b173e89-2.jpg “Exploitable meme based on a photograph showing two light grey upper body mannequins on a store shelf. The one to the right is rather voluptuous, the one to the left much less so. Both are wearing black Adidas Medium Support sports bras in their respective sizes. Above the photograph, there is a stripe of white background on which is written, “Mesh bodies be like”. The mannequin to the left is labelled, “Petite”. The much more voluptuous mannequin to the right is labelled, “Regular”.”)

(On a sidenote: I don’t go out of my way and describe meme pictures at the same pain-staking level of detail as my pictures from within #VirtualWorlds. The image itself plus the link to KnowYourMeme should be informative enough to understand the post so that I don’t have to drop thousands of characters of #ImageDescription into meme posts. This #AltText here should be sufficient, and it shouldn’t contain any information that isn’t available anywhere else in the post or the link.)

#OpenSim #Metaverse #MediumSupportMeme

  • Jupiter RowlandOP
    18 months ago

    And I forgot that it still isn’t possible on #Hubzilla to hide sensitive images from #Mastodon users’ eyes except by not posting them at all.

    I could have Hubzilla users click up to four times until they see an image clearly, and Mastodon users would get the same image unblurred underneath the same post shoved into their faces right away.

  • Jupiter RowlandOP
    18 months ago

    I tend to avoid external links in posts whenever possible.

    Sure, the average Hubzilla user is on desktop Linux.

    But the average Mastodon user is on an iPhone using a dedicated Mastodon app. Especially iPhone users tend to avoid using a Web browser like the plague, not only, but also because the only browser available to them is Safari.

    Most Mastodon users want to do everything Fediverse-related in their Mastodon app.

      • Jupiter RowlandOP
        18 months ago

        @𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 No, I’m saying that iPhone users tend to avoid tapping on links in toots if these links open a browser.

        I think they also find it inconvenient. A browser opening over your Mastodon app is to an iPhone user what a pop-up window within our desktop browsers is for us desktop users.

    • Jupiter RowlandOP
      18 months ago

      @𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 I can’t even see the image, only a text link.

      Besides, the idea was to post an image on Hubzilla, and it’s blurred for people on Mastodon. This doesn’t work.