CIG has implemented major changes in the combat flight model with 3.20 to bring it more in line with what their vision of combat should be. They’ve told us these changes are coming for a long time and they’re finally here!

Per 3.20 PTU patch notes, these modes are currently restricted to the Arena Commander Experimental Game sessions, and CIG will be fine tuning them there until they are ready for Live release.

More details can be found in the 3.20 patch notes:

Experimental Mode: Master Modes

Experimental Versions of Free Flight, Duel, and a special Endless version of Vanduul Swarm will play host a collection of features that update our flight model – the original game modes will be unaffected & remain playable. Dubbed “Master Modes” this feature encompasses many changes to our flight systems, detailed below.

Note below will detail default keybinds.

“Master Modes” includes several new features: Aiming v2 (New gimbal behaviours, new aiming UI for pips, auto-gimbal, crosshairs etc), Targeting v2 (New targeting behaviours with new keybinds, auto-targeting, targeting brackets), Flight tuning, and a newly updated UI that comes with that.

  • Speed is now limited when in SCM mode

  • Use of afterburner can push slightly beyond SCM speed as long as players have boost capacitor, with greater “push” in the forward vector

  • New “NAV” mode that disables weapons and shields, but gives access to higher top speed. Swapping between modes has a spool up period.

  • Gladius has updated ship tunings to go with this mode

  • Weapon capacitor pool is increased in baseline but regen is less impacted by priority triangle

  • Ammo for the Mantis is higher

  • Old gimbal system of weapon size going down one to accomdate gimbals has been replaced with a flat 20% reduction in firerate on the same weapons, allowing fixed and gimbal on size 3 for the Gladius

  • Targeting bracket has been updated

  • Central HUD symbology for targeting has changed including boresight, orientation arrow, gimbal designation, and PIPs.

Flight Model changes:

  • Trichording is not possible anymore, the strongest acceleration axis is forward
  • Pitch and Yaw cannot be combined anymore
  • Gladius agility was increased
  • Boost and regen were adjusted

Master Modes:

  • Master Modes added (press B to swap) between NAV and SCM
  • SCM allows high capacitor regen rates, shields and weapons but restricts max speed
  • Thruster boost / afterburner will temporarily allow you to extend beyond the SCM boundary
  • NAV allows high speed but no shields and weapons. It also heavily restricts regen rates.
  • Swapping between master modes in not immediate
  • Shield face health is stored in a buffer up to a certain ratio when going from SCM to NAV. When going from NAV to SCM that buffer will be quickly pushed back into the faces. The shield face generation from that buffer cannot be interrupted by incoming fire.
  • JeffCraig@citizensgaming.comM
    1 year ago

    This video is very informative. I’m really interested in how Master Modes are going to change combat in SC. This feels as big of a change as when supercruise was removed!

      • EverStar289@citizensgaming.comOP
        1 year ago

        E:D has a very limited turn rate to keep fights much slower. It also has a much better pitch turn rate than yaw. These changes bring SC closer to that, but it’s not really the same. SC still has much faster acceleration and turn rates.

        The limit on max speed while in combat mode will force players to fight at slower speeds, but comparing it to E:D is a reach.

          • JeffCraig@citizensgaming.comM
            1 year ago

            Yes but turn rates and acceleration are very different. I don’t expect it will feel anything like E:D, but I do think SCM should be raised to 350 or 400 m/s

    • EverStar289@citizensgaming.comOP
      1 year ago

      So, those two things (combining pitch + yaw and tri-cording) are basically the same thing.

      At some point, players found that acceleration was greatest when they combined all directions at one time. This was because it maximized the number of thrusters being used. AO has a video on it:

      Because of this, we would have to fly at an angle while using all inputs at the same time (up/down, left/right, forward/back) to achieve the highest rate of acceleration (ie: tri-cording). Players that knew this could catch up to other players faster because it allowed them to accelerate faster. If someone is trying to run, you could tri-cord and catch them fairly easily if they didn’t know how to do it.

      It was never an intended mechanic of the game, so with the new flight model changes, CIG is taking it out. The “pitch & yaw cannot be combined anymore” statement just means that using both of those directions won’t cause maneuvering thrusters to apply additional power above what the ships intended acceleration is.

    1 year ago

    There are some changes here that definitely needed to happen. Things like the main thrusters being more powerful than maneuvering thrusters, etc.

    I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the speed limits, but we aren’t going for Expanse style gameplay here. There have to be some limitations.