I like caravans better
This guy gets the reference
Don’t know about this Peat fella but his bog is sorely lacking cranberries
It’s actually a fen, but for the sake of a meme, I’m willing to overlook that fact
Yes, but you’re on the internet. There are dozens of pedants who are not.
If I, a person who has classified countless bogs and fens, can look the other way, they can, too.
I once did post-field mapping of an area I had just surveyed and made a 75km2 polygon of shallow fen. Lol.
Deepest peat I’ve dug was 780 cm. In a bog, no less
You can’t beat a steep 25-feet deep peat pit
If the pedants are not on the Internet, I am okay with that.
“Careful now! Or Hobbits go down to join the dead ones, and light little candles of their own.”
I love this reference and would make it all the time in the bush
I…I want to drink it.
Not if you would like to avoid giardia
This baby can sequester carbon into layers of 1 mm a year
Bogs?! Resistance is peatile.
Slaps bog: This thing can perfectly preserve a bunch of bodies.
This thing can generate a bunch of iron
In German we call them „die Totensümpfe“
I literally loled
I love it, but even lesser bogs suit me.