Anon is a removed for going to the tourist fly traps, in greece you gotta travel a bit before you get to the real good stuff
Same is true pretty much everywhere.
I’m in the US, and everyone seems to flock to Yellowstone, NYC, DC, and maybe SF. We have a lot of other really cool places, and you’d probably have a much better experience if you avoid the top 10 tourist destinations. For example:
- 63 national parks, and only 2-3 are international destinations
- thousands of state parks, and they’re basically completely missed by international travelers
- tons of fantastic beaches all across the south, no need to go to Hawaii or Miami to get some good beach time
For anything you want to see, I could point to a half dozen places that are way less crowded and would likely get you closer to the type of thing you’re looking for. I assume the same is true for any popular destination, so I go out of my way to try to find nuggets of cool stuff (e.g. when I went to BC, CA, we went to Lynn Canyon instead of Capilano Bridge, which was super gorgeous and not crowded at all). Waiting in lines sucks, so I’d rather go to the next best option and spend more quality time there.
Ok, but Yellowstone is rad as hell. I just visit in the off season.
It absolutely is, and the off-season is the time to go. I just don’t have patience for the summer tourist season. It takes twice as long to get anywhere, I feel self-conscious about taking too much time somewhere, and the awesome views are polluted by people milling about, asking for photos, or kids whining (I get it, I have kids).
The same goes for most popular parks. I’m in Utah, and I avoid Zion and Arches in the peak season, but both parks rock in the off-season. During tourist season, I go to the less popular parks.
Your own fault for going to major tourist hot spots.
Goes to shittiest parts of country
Complains country is shitty
Can’t explain that.
be tourist
go to spots that specifically cater to tourists
it sucks
Also most likely goes at the most crowded time for some reason.
Idk if I’m just lucky but even what are supposed to be super busy touristy things I’ve mostly been able to see among fairly chill/ no crowds. And this includes Rome, Venice, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Berlin, Amsterdam among others, and in most of these visits to their respective cultural/ architectural/historical hotspots.
Like literally just go in April or early October I guess. Or like at night. Something like this.
That just sounds like Faliraki or some similar hellhole full of your own countrymen. Try going five minutes or so out of town.
I was in Faliraki a few years ago and it was really nice. I was there in late October though, so there were only like 20 other tourists in town and all the penny arcades and tourist shops were already closed.
I’ll never understand why people fly to the south in the middle of the summer, when the weather is nice here anyway.
Rented bikes in Mykonos in October, can confirm it’s nice and quiet, and the flights are dirt cheap.
waiter spits into plate and I thank him
Oh man, OP didn’t spit back. Water gonna get spilled