This may be a controversial post because it strays from the exploitation of non-human animals, but this is a story about human bodies being sold and used without their prior consent, which to me speaks to a similar (albeit more severe) indignity that non-human animals face in the medical industry. That is to say “this isn’t vegan”. Feel free to downvote this post heavily and say as much in the comments if you feel this isn’t on-topic for this community, as I know there are plenty of other places that will address this with an appropriate level of appallment.

    4 months ago

    To be honest, yes this should be forbidden, but active consent is often rare.

    And to be fair, these people are already dead. So I would say it is vegan, as this is not their purpose, they were not bred, not held and are also not eaten but used for education, research and helping living humans.

    Idk I dont find this that crazy? Even though family members should of course be able to claim the bodies, and yeah it is kinda sick to scratch corpses of poor people off the street and look at them only when they are dead.

    That context makes it more fucked up.