When Meta announced Threads, their new Twitter competitor, they claimed in the very first paragraph that it would interoperate with Mastodon and other social networks based on the open-source ActivityPub protocol: The official Mastodon site responded with their own blog post to address frequently asked questions

  • m3adow@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    This post may miss the point. Supporting ActivityPub may be a good way to circumvent Antitrust interventions after Twitter inevitably perished under Musk. Threads will be the biggest ActivityPub instance, but it won’t be the only one, it’s a federated network after all.

  • The dogspaw @midwest.social
    1 year ago

    I agree with this there is no incentive for meta to join the fediverse why would they want people they can’t advertise to it makes no sense threads has 100 million plus users mastodon has like 500k using activitypub to connect metas other social networks together makes far more sense the only reason I can see to connect to the fediverse is to try to get around european law see eu meta isn’t a monopoly we use activitypub and connect to the fediverse ok were in nuke that fediverse crap