Justice for Janitors Strikers Attacked (1990)

Fri Jun 15, 1990


Image: Los Angeles police officers beating a striking worker in a Justice for Janitors shirt with billy clubs, 1990

Justice for Janitors (JfJ) is a social movement that fights for the rights of janitors (caretakers and cleaners) across the US and Canada. Justice for Janitors includes more than 225,000 janitors in at least 29 cities in the United States and at least four cities in Canada. Members fight for better wages, better conditions, improved health-care, and full-time opportunities.

On this day in 1990, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) attacked immigrant janitors who were striking for the right to organize in Century City, making two women miscarry, hospitalizing dozens, and jailing sixty more. Police initially claimed to be defending themselves, however TV footage was aired that undermined this claim.

Despite the violence, workers voted unanimously to return to the scene of the attack and continue their protest. Janitors eventually won the right to form a union, doubling their pay and benefits. This victory gave significant momentum to the JfJ movement and led to successful protests by and organizing of janitors around the country.

  • Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de
    3 months ago

    We are not friends with the police, law and order crowds, or the trickle down folks. The working class is the true perfect society! We love each other, we understand, and we forgive. That’s why we have to stand together!