It’s still hard to believe that “Kenneth Chesebro” is a real person and not some comedian’s mediocre-entitled-white-dude persona
(switches to slightly monotonous, lower voice) “Pleased to meet you… my name’s Kenneth. (pause) Kenneth Cheese Bro. (laughter) I live in a gated exurban community with my wife Stacey, my three sons Kenneth Junior, Brockwell and Chadbury, and my three cars. Harvard legacy admission— was captain of the lacrosse team 1989. I believe in meritocracy and oppose affirmative action in all its forms. My favourite food is mayonnaise “
I can has Chesebro?
Cheese bro charged in Wisconsin? Ironic.
Jenna Ellis has not been arraigned in Arizona yet. I’d guess she’s working out a plea deal there ahead of arraignment, and may plead guilty at arraignment.
Her punishment should be lifetime permanent assignment as legal counsel to Rudy Giuliani.
Just a world of alternate realities, sharts and dye and everything else it entails.
I don’t understand why anyone ever accepts a job from him. Everyone who works for or with him ends up owed a bunch of money and/or in a shit load of legal trouble.