Seems like book clubs are in at the moment, so why not do one here?

Proper Chill Book Club

How is it different? There is no time limit, not really, this thread will be stickied up here for a (long) while. Expectations and deadlines are anxiety-inducing, and that’s what we want to avoid. Sometimes there might be more than one book threads up, people are free to start their own, or suggest books. It’s a chill book club.

Discussion? Sure. Post thoughts, excerpts, quotes, page numbers to refer back to, whatever. Nobody is going to comment on style or substance, it’s a free expression area. More than one comment allowed (and encouraged), don’t worry about structure or anything like that.

I/me rule is suspended. It is possible to talk about oneself, what one thought and what the book made them feel/think in this thread. It is still not allowed to talk about other people or comment on them personally, commenting on oneself is plenty.

Content: Discussing books to do with the human mind and human condition. Fiction is allowed too, only if it is proper mental.

The Book

Deleuze & Guattari: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

It is actually two books, Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus. There’s also a companion book, A User’s Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia, it apparently makes reading the work more palatable and explains things.

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