Hoping they patch the druid drops.
What’s wrong with them?
Barbarian weapons dropping more iften than druid weapons.
Excited to hear all about the latest patch plans, community feedback on gameplay, expectations for post game content, Bobby Kotick’s latest sexpest antics, and whether they plan to rebalance the classes so half of every server isn’t necromancers.
I’m a little nervous as to what direction they will bring D4 in after community feedback. There’s a lot of polarization, so if they go in favor of one camp over another, it may not be a fun time for a big chunk of the community.
Hopefully they find a way to appease us all with some compromises. Or you know, disappoint everyone, as is tradition.
Weirdly out of all the issues I hope they say something about the mounts. It does not feel super great to ride a mount currently. Between constantly checking the map, the weird behavior with the mouse (needing to keep cursor at screen edge to go max speed), the barriers, and constantly having to dismount to climb up, etc. Definitely needs more polish.