I’m finding people don’t really react to my bell the way they used to. It’s like I have to ride right up to them before they realise “oh, that’s what that sound was”. Has the concept of a bicycle bell been lost in the general cultural consciousness?
I sort of think it has… Honestly, I’ve had to practice listening for the bell, myself.
I holler “on your left” but they usually have airpods in anyway
Yeah, I just yell “ON YOUR LEFT!” instead, and that seems to work (most of the time…)
Maybe more people with headphones in? Sounds like a job for a bigger horn!
They probably assume it’s someone’s notification tbh
I notice this too. It might be more airpod use, but I also see people without them not react and some people with them do react. I guess people assume since they’re on or near a sidewalk they don’t need to think about cyclists? No clue.