Reddit admits more moderator protests could hurt its business | Losing third-party tools “could harm our moderators’ ability to review content…”::Losing third-party tools “could harm our moderators’ ability to review content…”

    723 months ago

    They already lost the best third party tools. And moderators tbh. Anyone still modding over there is a schlub. Fuck Reddit and especially fuck Spez the greedy pig boy.

  • @AlexWIWA
    3 months ago

    I did all my default sub modding on Apollo. Also Reddit has been trying to bribe mods into doxxing themselves “oh we have a gift card and stock for you, just tell us your name.”

    143 months ago

    “Interestingly, the percentage of daily average unique visitors who are logged out of Reddit versus those who are logged in has increased slightly. This is important because Reddit doesn’t make as much money off of people who look at its site or app but aren’t logged into Reddit.”

    So remember kids, if you want to avoid supporting Spez and Reddit but still occasionally need to use it, don’t log in.

      3 months ago

      On Android, geddit is a pretty good way to do that.

      It functions by skinning reddit’s RSS feed into an app. No logging in, so no commenting or voting. But you can have a front page. And also no ads. And the nsfw subs aren’t blocked.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    63 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The company also said that bad publicity and media coverage, such as the kind that stemmed from the API protests, could be a risk to Reddit’s success.

    The Form S-1 said bad PR around Reddit, including its practices, prices, and mods, “could adversely affect the size, demographics, engagement, and loyalty of our user base,” adding:

    Reddit’s filing also said that negative publicity and moderators disrupting the normal operation of subreddits could hurt user growth and engagement goals.

    Reddit’s filing discusses losing moderators as a business risk and notes how important third-party tools are in maintaining mods:

    Any disruption to, or lack of availability of, these third-party tools could harm our moderators’ ability to review content and enforce community rules.

    Nondisclosure agreement requirements and the lack of a finalized developer platform also drive uncertainty around the longevity of the third-party Reddit app ecosystem, according to devs Ars spoke with this year.

    The original article contains 647 words, the summary contains 150 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

      23 months ago

      What third party tools? They already fucked those over and showed they don’t give a shit about their users. They haven’t realized yet they already shit the bed.