Lignite mining, express highways, gravel mining, parking decks, lime pits, and candy factories all have something in common that might not be obvious at first glance. Capitalists need to cut down forests to make way for them. But all around Germany, people are mobilizing to stop them. Over the past decade, forest occupations and forest defense actions have proliferated to such a point that we can now reflect on the movement as a whole.

Archived Version

    • punkisundead [they/them]OP
      33 months ago

      I would agree somewhat and it would be really helpful if you could point out what has changed so others could also learn

  • schmorp
    43 months ago

    Forest occupation was one of my first touchpoints with anarchism. So many years ago 1995. And even though I got lost abroad and internally for quite a while in the meantime the tree houses were a memory that remained and created a seed. So whatever continues of the occupations is super important, if not for the individual tree out there but for trees and forests to come and old young ones to remember. Thanks fighters for the forest.