Lipp says his return to Trump began with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In March 2023, DeSantis downplayed the invasion, calling it a “ territorial dispute”.
“That really made me wonder about DeSantis’s knowledge of international politics and how it affects the United States. It really concerned me,” Lipp said.
So you go back to… Trump? Who has literally praised Putin for the invasion?
Fucking morons.
From the same person in the article:
“Trump has a business background and he’s a great negotiator. He has a strong personality. These conflicts can be resolved through negotiation, and Trump is the right man at the right time.”
They still think of him as the character he played on The Apprentice.
The damage Mark Burnett did by refining the myth of Donald Trump’s business acumen for The Apprentice is incalculable. He single-handedly convinced the stupidest dregs of society that Donald Trump was a brilliant negotiator and successful businessman. When in reality The Apprentice itself was the only successful thing he had ever been involved with.
It’s so weird, because all that show did was cement how stupid he was for me. It was so fucking moronic.
I couldn’t stand to watch it. I hated donnie for a very long time, and watching that asshat play a Bigly Successful Bidness Man was too much. It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes when the watercooler talk would start up about that show.
In the past and occasionally now I indulge in pro wrestling, I know it’s predetermined and ridiculous but it’s fun and makes me happy. I think everyone knows this about wrestling at this point.
What I’ve been realizing over the past few years in conversations with people who watch reality TV is that there is a non insignificant percentage of them who don’t see the kayfabe. It’s really distressing
This really sounds like someone that was “programmed”.
I curse the day he was handed that game show. It should be called The Artifice.
The reason doesn’t need to make sense, they just want a reason not to support someone other than their golden idol
Yep. I cannot imagine trying to live in that head.
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Is that the new code word for mentally challenged, a typo, or did you stop typing mid sentence?
The first one. r/wallstreetbets started using it a lot a few years ago. That’s where I first saw it anyways.
Five voters returning their support for Trump.
Four of five are 60+ yrs old.
I agree with the other commenters that these individuals still think Trump is the character he played on The Apprentice.
Their age is a factor.
The world keeps speeding up, and these people can’t handle.
Mean ol’ Donnie dog whistling makes them feel safer (because the people they hate are the ones “responsible” for what’s wrong), and ok to be bitter, and honest about who and why they hate.
It’s “othered” brown (usually Muslim or Mexican) or LGBTQ people, a functional government, & paying for either.
Lead poisoning & a Fox News diet can really mess you up.